Monday, June 3, 2019

Barking dogs

I have a neighbor who has 8 dogs mostly american hounds who like to howl.  They are kept in the neighbors house. They are let out to do their business 4 times a day, early morning, lunch, dinner and evenings for about 45 minutes on each occasion. They bark insistently when let out.  I spoken to the neighbor, but this fell on deaf ears, i.e. they're just being dogs.  I live in an unincorporated area in a rural county, so there isn't any local noise ordinances.  The question is "what to do about the barking?" 

There is an online web site that offers advise and insight into the owners who ignore their dogs barking. "".  I've tried all the commercial dog bark control devices.  None are effective.  I have the necessary test equipment to measure these devices and found that they are very mild. 

So my solution was to invent my own device.  The device generates a 22 kHz sine wave tone audible to dogs and not humans.  The volume is equivalent to a loud music band, but only audible to the dogs. Not harmful, just very unpleasant. It is activated by a extended range 433 mHz remote control, similar to a garage door opener, so it is not on continuously. The intent is to train the dogs to not bark.  When they bark they get the tone. It works on all dogs that have normal hearing.  Training success depends on the intelligence of the dog breed.  Smart dogs learn quickly.  Hounds, not so quickly, they are not very intelligent according to the internet. So, each time they are let out they howl.  A few blasts on the tone generator and they quit.  The remote allows you to sit in your recliner  and control the dogs.

If you are interested in more information, please reply to this message. 

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